the first thing johnny noticed when he entered the dunkin donuts was that mary and joe were gone.
he looked around just to make sure, but it was a small place, and they were not there.
“looking for somebody?” magnus asked him.
“yeah, i was expecting a couple of friends here, but i guess they got tired of waiting.” johnny knew that they had skipped out on him and he would probably never see them again.
just as well, he thought, if he could get something going with magnus.
“i’m a little short,” magnus anounced as johnny headed for the counter.
“that’s all right, get what you want, it’s my treat.”
“you are a true gentleman, sir, one of the last.,” magnus smiled. “but i won’t abuse your hospitality, at least not this time. a small black coffee, please, and a plain cruller,” he told the young woman behind the counter.
johnny got a large black coffee with three sugars and a glazed donut and they took a seat in the corner as far ftom the other patrons as they could get. magnus could look out the window - and be seen by people passing by, but johnny could not.
johnny got down to business. “all right, tell me about this boomer character.”
magnus laughed. “why the interest? surely you are not going back to playing cards full time? i have to say i was surprised to even see you at zack’s.”
“zack’s? that was the name of the place?”
“you didn’t know?”
“maybe, i don’t remember. i just heard it was a place, you know?”
magnus just nodded.
“a place with some serious action. but it would seem that i was misinformed.” johnny lowered his voice. “but between you and me, i was not so much interested in playing there. actually playing at the tables.”
“ah.” magnus dropped his voice too. “but that sort of activity, my friend, is even less remumerative these days than sitting at a table. as i am sure you know.”
“yeah, i know, but what can you do?” johnny looked casually around., but nobody seemed to be paying them any attention. “but, back to serious business. any idea where my sources got the idea that this zack’s was worth a look?”
“i can tell you exactly why. the boomer.”
“ah, back to the boomer. who is he - the richest man in the world?”
“ha, ha, i don’t know about that. he does have some money to spread around when he is in the mood. he’s a man who attracts notice - a man who stirs people up. and wakes people up. surely you heard the undercurrents of awe when his name was mentioned.”
johnny considered this. “like a preacher. a guy working a religion angle. welcome to the club.”
magnus shook his head. “no, not really.”
“no? all right, let’s start over. do you really know anything about this character? i am not cross-examining you, i am just curious.”
“well, let me think. what do i know about our friend the boomer? i have never really given him that much thought because i never saw him as providing any opportunities for myself.”
“you surprise me, old buddy. you used to be a guy who looked at all the angles.”
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