night. a dusty road.
a packard drives down the dusty road with dimmed lights.
a factory on the horizon. a few lights are on, in the upper floor.
molly is sitting at the kitchen table.
joe enters.
he goes to the refrigerator and takes out a bottle of beer.
“so how did the meeting go?”
“all right.” joe sits down with the bottle of beer. he looks at the bottle.
“oh, yeah, i should get a glass, right?”
“suit yourself. did you come to any great decisions at the meeting?”
“just to keep fighting.”
molly sighed. “is that all you want to do, joe? fight? fight, fight, fight, your whole life? you go to war and fight, then you come home and you want to fight some more. you men!”
“it’s because i went to war that i want to keep fighting, molly. we fought to defeat the fascists in europe - now we have to fight the homegrown fascists - the bosses and fat cats!”
“let’s talk about something else.”
“all right.” joe takes a sip of his beer. “what?”
“i went to sears today with rhonda and looked at the refrigerators.”
“why? what is wrong with the one we’ve got? it works o k.”
“most of the time. but i don’t want the refrigerator breaking down. i don’t want the refrigerator breaking down when the baby comes.”
“well,” joe said uncertainly, “ the baby won’t be here for a while.”
“but i can look around for something good, can’t i? let’s not argue about it, o k?”
“o k’
“oh, i almost forgot, a letter came for you today.”
“a letter? what is it from, the army?” joe was still getting letters from the army and the government.
“no, it’s a real letter, from a person. from charles - charles somebody. hold on, i’ll get it.” molly got up from the table.
“charles?” joe called after her. “i don’t know any charles. any charles who would be writing me a letter.”
“here it is - charles - charles legrand.”
“legrand? that must be slim - slim legrand!”
“and who is he - some old army buddy?”
“no - i wouldn’t - i wouldn’t exactly call him a buddy,” joe replied thoughtfully.
5. slim
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