Wednesday, August 29, 2018

incident at the border - 33. the double

by nick nelson

illustrated by konrad kraus and roy dismas

part thirty-three of forty

for previous episode, click here

to begin at the beginning, click here

lord chandler realized there was no use remonstrating with the young duke, however much he felt exasperated with him. he maintained his usual urbane tone, as he described the conversation he had had with mr mahmoud.

“it seems, david,” his lordship casually intoned, “that some concession must be made to the sensibilities of the offended kingdom. and the easiest concession, and the one most distinctly seen as a concession, is that you should return to the kingdom to face trial for the terrible offense of defiling their time honored custom.”

the duke blinked perplexedly. “but - explain to me, again, uncle, what is to be gained? according to you, war is to be declared in any case! it is only a matter of days.”

“that is true, david. your grasp of the situation is admirable, and bodes well for your future in diplomacy. but, you must also be aware that in situations like this, when armies must be massed on borders and fleets sent forth on the seas, days, even hours are crucial.” his lordship smiled. “after all, it is not as if you are likely to actually be shot, or hanged, even if you are found guilty.

after the formalities have been observed, and war declared, the usual channels, aboveground and not so aboveground, will open up, and with some judicious negotiations, whose lubrication i am willing to personally guarantee, you should return safe and sound, with some excellent material for your memoirs.”

“but - hang it all, uncle, it is easy for you to say that it is not likely that i shall be shot or hanged - but, oh dear, what a bother! what a bore!”

lord chandler shrugged. “it is the chance we shall have to take. fortune of war, and so forth. unless you have some other idea?”

“but - yes. yes, i do. an idea, by george, that just popped into my head.”

with the faintest of smiles, lord chandler replied, “and what might that be?”

“well, you know how in novels and plays chaps who are doubles of some other chap are always playing the part of the first chap so that he can be in two places in once, or go in a secret mission or something?”

“actually i do not quite know, but go on.”

“suppose i found a fellow who looked just like me - could we not send him to the kingdom of s ————— in my place? if he agreed to do it for a reasonable price, or - or just for the spirit of the thing? would that not be capital?”

lord chandler could not help laughing. “and are you prepared to put your hand on such a fellow - on such short notice?”

“as a matter of fact, i can. he fell from the heavens just a few hours ago, when wallace went out looking for someone to make up tonight’s party. the fellow could be my twin. it must be fate. you will see him at dinner, and i am sure you will agree.”

“very well, david, i will take a look at this heaven-sent personage.” his lordship smiled tolerantly. “but i think it might still be best if you prepared yourself mentally for a return to the kingdom of s—————.

34. dinner for twelve

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