the conference had not yet officially begun, but ms nancy nan, the chairman of the universal party of the pacific empire, and officially the hostess of the conference, was already heartily sick of it.
so it was with no smile on her face that the greeted the unexpected arrival of swerve, her long time aide de camp, when she was trying to take a short break before descending to the hotel dining room to preside over the opening dinner of the conference.
“I realize you might not wish to be disturbed, excellency, “ swerve began. “but there is a gentleman here who is most insistent to see you.”
“insistent? but how insistent can he be? and he is ‘a gentleman’, you do not know who is he is? does he have a name?’
“there is something very curious about this individual, excellency.,” swerve replied mildly. “something i can not place, or describe. and it is for that reason, that i took it upon myself to intrude, when i am quite aware that you do not wish to be disturbed.” swerve had enjoyed a long career as a shaman before joining the diplomatic service, and his advice to the chairman often included reference to unseen and unknowable forces.
“can you give me some idea as to what you find so curious about him, swerve? and again, does he have a name.”
“i do not think this individual is human, excellency.”
“ahh - say no more.” ms nan was aware of the increasing number of stories about contact by aliens, which were beginning to make a dent in the skepticism of the imperial rulers, including herself, and their security and intelligence minions.
“tell this person i will see him, but after the opening dinner and ceremonies which obviously i can not forego. i am sure he is not so impatient as not to understand that. just keep him occupied, swerve, keep your own eye on him, we can’t have this individual just wandering around where he will.”
“of course, excellency. his name, by the way, is mister red. he declined to give any other information.”
“an easy name to remember, at least.”
swerve departed. ms nan checked her timepiece - twenty-five minutes until she would have to put her shoes on her sore feet and descend to the dining room.
mister red had dark skin, short hair, muscular arms and legs, and wore a neatly cut, but not expensive looking brown suit. he should have looked like a bodyguard but did not. he did not took alert, but placid, like fear was unknown to him. his eyes, if he had any, were hidden behind thick wraparound dark glasses.
“i understand madam’s reluctance to postpone this so-called dinner and ceremony, “ he assured swerve, “although i fail to quite understand the purpose of either proceeding.” he paused. “i would like to spend my time waiting in the hotel lobby. watching the world go by, i believe the expression is.”
swerve considered this. he would prefer the underlings of the other chiefs of state not see mister red, but had no ready reason for mister red not to do so. “do you play chess, sir?” he asked mister red. “pinochle, perhaps, or billiards?”
“i would prefer to sit in the lobby, and watch the world go by.”
17. secrets
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