“now, what if i were to tell you,” mr wilson continued, as the fire sparked and cracked, and shadows quivered gently on the walls of his cozy study, “ that there are indications, just indications, mind you, that no one has as yet been so bold as to consider decisive, that mr bryan’s theories, so derided at the time, may have some basis in reality… eh, what would you say to that?”
“i would say i found it most interesting, sir,” the professor replied.
“interesting, no doubt. does it surprise you?”
“i endeavor never to be surprised, sir. marcus donadius pronounced surprise to be the mark of an incurious mind, and i have always tried to be curious, if nothing else.”
mr wilson nodded. “tell me, what do you think of mr bryan’s basic assumption - that the appearance of a force from - let us say, from outside what is quaintly referred to as human ken - would cause the disputatious tribes of mankind to draw together in solidarity against the outsider.”
the professor considered this. “it would seem, at first glance, to be quite dubious. the history of the world in the last few centuries especially would seem to be against it. the native tribes of america did not unite against the europeans, neither did the barbarian kingdoms of africa, or the motley empires of asia. of course, the similarities may be far from exact. may i ask if you are at liberty to give a more detailed description of what you call ‘indications’ in this matter, and if so, are you inclined to do so?”
“ for various reasons, i am not inclined to do so, “ mr wilson smiled. “but what do you mean by similarities that might be far from exact?”
“the europeans did not arrive on other continents as a unified body. they were battling each other for the spoils, and in doing so sought - they sought - alliances with this or that native triibe or kingdom. would invaders from outer space, in present circumstances, have any interest in doing so? and could they be expected to derive any advantage in doing so? this last factor, especially, would seem to apply, whether they arrived in a body, or as competing bodies - bodies competing with each other.”
“that is very good, young man, very good.” mr wilson shifted in his chair, as if he were about to sit up straight in it, but then relapsed into his habitual slouch. “that is a possibility i had not considered.”
“and which is that, sir?”
“that the invaders would come, not as one, but as entities warring with each other. what a thought!”
“i did not mean to alarm you, sir,” the professor said. “am i to take your concern to indicate that there is some substance to these speculations?”
mr wilson did not reply to the professor’s question, but shook his head and looked into the fire. “i wonder if i should broach this possibility with mr capone.” he sighed. “i suppose i must.”
“i am sorry if ii disturbed you, sir,” the professor repeated humbly.
“oh, no, not all. i brought you here because you would not be afraid to disturb me. unlike the lackeys and china figurines in the state department. ”
mr wilson lapsed into silence.
“do you have anything else you wish to discuss with me, sir?” the professor finally asked. “am i free to go?
“what? why, are you in a hurry in to get back to your post? stay awhile, make yourself comfortable. my cook serves an excellent breakfast.”
7. moran
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